- Local governments
- Infrastructure
- Environmental Protection
- Forests
- Agriculture
- Hydrology
Local governments
Aerial data
Since 2001 we have been delivering aerial remotely sensed data using our specially adapted aircraft and sophisticated sensors.
Vertical imagery
We capture aerial imagery with spatial resolution starting from 1 cm (GSD). Type of camera, spatial and spectral (R, G, B, NIR) resolution and processing technology are always adjusted to client needs. The final product is either raw imagery or geo-referenced (orthoimagery), and can aid any photointerpretation processes
Orthophotos are created through image processing but, unlike the aerial imagery, it is characterized by orthogonal projection and a uniform scale for the entire surface. It has cartometric attributes typical of a map and can be developed in true colour (R,G,B) or false colour composites with additional near-infrared (CIR). Apart from interpretative features, an orthophoto also allows for precise measurements of captured objects.
True ortho
The advantage of a true orthophoto over a standard orthophoto results from the lack of so called ‘building lean’. Apart from the elements on the ground, also buildings are rectified to avoid blind spots and shadows, caused by camera angle. True ortho works well with photointerpretation processes and precise measurements of tall objects.
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Oblique imagery
Oblique imagery, taken in four directions at a 45-degree angle, is gaining popularity in recent years. One flight mission allows simultaneous capturing of imagery from four cameras directed north, south, east and west and Nadir. We provide both raw and geo-referenced oblique imagery, as well as oblique mosaics. This product may be used for visualisations of monuments, revitalised areas or attractive investment locations.
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3D Models
Increased overlap parameters, both in the case of vertical and oblique imagery, make it possible to create 3D Mesh Models presenting realistic images of facades. Such an effect owes to stereo-matching algorithms (finding corresponding points in all aerial images), aided by LiDAR data. 3D Models lend themselves well to urban planning and management.
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Laser scanning (LiDAR)
Laser scanning allows spatial measurements thanks to capturing of a laser beam reflection. This method gives us information on the structure and 3D position of registered objects. The resulting point cloud can have varied density (from several up to several dozens points/m2). Each point is rectified to a system of geodetic coordinates and then classified according to client’s desired schema. The final product may be a point cloud, DTM, DSM, 3D model or visualisation. ALS helps when you need to know the size and shape of an object or to see and model surfaces under tree canopy.
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Terrain models are based on point clouds obtained during airborne laser scanning. A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a true representation of the terrain relief. When we supplement it with extra information about objects on the surface, we can create a Digital Surface Model (DSM). Being a universal tool, terrain models can be used for determining slope and elevation, but also for identification of landforms and discovery or inventory of archaeological objects.
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Hyperspectral data
Hyperspectral scanners register numerous bands of reflected solar radiation, obtaining very detailed information on objects. We can provide a raw data, data after geometric and/or atmospheric correction, as well as mosaics of the surveyed area. Hyperspectral data offers insight into ,e.g., species found in particular plant communities, vegetation condition, soil moisture, type of minerals and rocks, or degree of water pollution.
Thermal data
Thermal imagery presents temperature of objects with regard to their emissivity, ambient temperature, relative air humidity and thermal permeability of the atmosphere. The final product is delivered in the form of: raw thermograms, thermal imagery or thermal orthophoto, which may be the basis for heat map creation or thermal diagnostics.
Light Pollution Maps
Dark skies is one of the most important properties of a good astronomical observing site. Apart from clear skies for stargazing, dark nights are essential for human beings and wild animals to sleep well, or, for some species, simply to exist. People and animals are suffering from lights in the middle of the night. Light Pollution Maps allow us to easily locate dark sites not affected by light pollution, or investigate which city lights have bad quality or are too bright.
Multisensor data
Our original multisensor aerial platform combines several sensors in one aircraft allowing simultaneous collection of several comprehensive remotely-sensed datasets. The choice of sensors (RGB, NIR or thermal cameras, ALS and hyperspectral scanners) depends on individual client needs. Multisensor data plays a crucial role in complex inventory of the environment or urban areas, as well as in advanced remote sensing analyses, whilst saving considerable amount of money on capture.
Satellite data
In our work, we try to reach higher and further, which is why we use different altitudes of image data acquisition. We supply and process satellite data, offering our clients innovative products suitable for their needs in terms of quality and costs. We work with various satellite images, both commercial and free. We have access to an extensive data archive and ability to schedule acquisition of new collections of satellite images.
Very high-resolution satellite data
Very high-resolution satellite (VHR) imagery has a spatial resolution better than 1 meter, therefore it can be a source of information similar to that offered by aerial imagery. Very high-resolution data is usually characterized by larger swaths than aerial imagery, several spectral ranges of visible, near and mid-infrared spectrum and a time resolution reaching 1-2 days of revisit. Our offer includes satellite images with a spatial resolution of 0.5 - 1 meters in PAN band and 2 - 4 meters in multispectral bands.
source: Head Aerospace
High-resolution satellite data
High Resolution (HR) satellite imagery achieves a spatial resolution of 1-5 meters. They are characterized by several spectral ranges of visible and near-infrared spectrum. An extensive archive of high-resolution data from multiple satellite data providers, a large number of satellites and their constellations as well as a revisit time of 1-2 days allows us to use these data in environmental monitoring. Our offer includes high-resolution satellite images in wide swaths and with a large set of spectral channels.
source: Head Aerospace
Satellite data of Copernicus Programme
The Copernicus Programme is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Space Agency. Part of the Copernicus Programme is the Sentinel satellite mission consisting of 6 separate operational missions, each of which focuses on a different aspect of Earth Observation, including monitoring of the atmosphere, oceans and land. A rich archive of satellite data from Sentinel mission is available free of charge. The Sentinel-2 is a non-commercial optical satellite currently with the best spatial resolution of 10 meters in RGB and NIR bands. The twin satellites Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B achieve together a 5-day revisit time.
Satellite data of Landsat Programme
The Landsat Programme is the longest satellite mission that began in the 1970s. It is a joint research programme of NASA and the USGS, where satellite data collected during the mission is made available free of charge. The Landsat Mission has the richest archive of remote sensing data. There are currently 2 satellites in orbit - Landsat 7 and Landsat 8, which are imaging the Earth's surface at a resolution of 30-60 meters, every 16 days. A distinctive feature of these satellites is a thermal infrared band.
Radar satellite data
The main advantage of radar sensors is the ability to perform measurements regardless of daytime and weather conditions (radar waves penetrate the cloud cover). This is due to the fact that radar satellites belong to the group of active sensors - the source of electromagnetic wave emission is an antenna installed on the satellite board. Our offer includes a high-resolution radar satellite with a spatial resolution of 1 meter. On the side of free and widely available data, the radar satellite with the best parameters (pixel size, polarization options, revisit time) is Sentinel-1, which is a part of the Copernicus Programme.
Field data
Our interdisciplinary team has a lot of experience in collecting geodetic and environmental data. We are supported by our own extremely effective system – Nautilus.
Geodetic measurements
Since the beginning of the company’s operation we have been combining geodesy with our passion for flying. Our offer includes maps for design and legal purposes concerning larger area investments or linear objects, such as modernized or newly-designed electrical overhead lines, pipelines, railways or roads. We create and update industry standard databases, and also convert district databases to a numerical form. Apart from that we control and verify applications for direct payments for farmers.
Measurements for environmental inventory
Our experts in life sciences conduct field measurements that are essential for the inventory of, e.g., plant communities, Natura 2000 habitats, invasive and expansive species, as well as dendroflora in cities, forests, agricultural or industrial areas. The tools and procedures that we use guarantee high accuracy, automatic database updating and quality control.
Reference measurements for remote sensing analyses
In order to obtain a quality reference for remote sensing analyses we perform botanical, dendrometric, hydrochemical and spectrometric measurements with respect to time and space variability of the analysed objects and the type of analysis. We use highly accurate tools and our original system for automatic control of quality and measurement progress.
Remote sensing analyses
As experts in remote sensing analyses based on multisensor data, we provide a range of highly precise and reliable analytic products.
- Regional Tree Crown Map
- Local Tree Crown Map
- Local Tree Species Map
- Local Tree Health Map
- Local Tree Trunk Map
- Real vegetation map
- Map of Natura 2000 habitats
- Remote sensing vegetation indices
- Vegetation monitoring – condition analysis
- Vegetation monitoring – threat of succession
- Vegetation monitoring – expansive and invasive species
Regional Tree Crown Map
The Regional Tree Crown Map presents the results of a tree inventory made on a national scale. Our product presents tree crowns seen from above and not obscured by higher crowns, and which meet the minimum height parameter of 4 m and the minimum crown area of 9 m².
The product is available through a web application on the My Tree Map website. The knowledge built on the Regional Tree Crown Map is the answer to today's needs for managing high greenery and adapting to climate change.
Input data: airborne laser scanning acquired in 2011-2020
Local Tree Crown Map
Our product provides information on the location and height of trees, as well as the area and volume of tree crowns on a local scale. The source data are acquired by aerial remote sensing methods with the support of field measurements, and the product parameters can be customized according to customer’s requirements.
This product has higher accuracy and precision than the Regional Tree Crown Map and is made to customer order.
Input data: Laser scanning, Orthophoto
Local Tree Species Map
We provide information about spatial distribution of tree taxonomy. The result of the analysis is a map on which we can identify up to more than 50 classes of taxa. Information on taxonomic affiliation is assigned to each identified tree crown in the analyzed area, and all product parameters are customized according to customer’s requirements. This product allows to develop e.g.: the map of succession processes, the map of forest-forming species or the map of urban dendroflora.
Input data: Laser scanning, Orthophoto, Hyperspectral data, Field reference measurement
Local Tree Health Map
We provide information on tree health condition based on the assessment of discoloration and defoliation. This information is assigned to each pixel of the tree crown map and ensures versatile and precise analyses of either particular tree crowns or all tree stands, being excellent support for municipal greenery or forest management.
Input data: Laser scanning, Orthophoto, Hyperspectral data, Field reference measurement
Local Tree Trunk Map
Product provides precise information on tree trunk location and diameter at breast height (DBH) and several additional parameters to characterise the tree. The product includes tree trunks seen on the ground, meeting the minimum height of 2 m and minimum diameter at breast height (DBH) of 5 cm.
Input data: Orthophoto, Field reference measurement
Real vegetation map
Real vegetation map is a consistent and highly accurate (even for large areas) product based on aerial remote sensing, where classification results are assigned to each pixel. The content of the legend and details are optimized individually for each area taking into account local diversity of plant communities and customer needs. The analyses involve all types of plants.
Input data: Hyperspectral data, Laser scanning
Map of Natura 2000 habitats
Patches of Natura 2000 habitats (water, land, forest, non-forest) are classified using remote sensing data and ground reference data. Our maps show distribution of diverse habitats for vast areas, identifying even smallest patches. The level of detail is optimized for each area and takes into account the internal variability of individual Natura 2000 habitats.
Input data: Hyperspectral data, Laser scanning, Field reference measurements
Remote sensing vegetation indices
Vegetation indices provide precise information on spatial structure and biophysical or thermal properties of a given object. The choice of indices depends on client needs. Our product is a map representing a spatial distribution of particular indices showing, e.g., chlorophyll or water content, volume and compactness of plant cover, as well as the ability to regulate temperature.
Input data: Laser scanning, Hyperspectral data, Thermal imagery
Vegetation monitoring – condition analysis
We monitor vegetation health condition through the analysis of information contained in remote sensing vegetation indices. The method allows for assigning information to each vegetation patch , regardless of the area size. The analysis helps to, e.g., evaluate the anthropogenic effects on the vegetation in protected areas or to assess the effectiveness of reclamation of converted land areas..
Input data: Hyperspectral data, Laser scanning, Thermal imagery
Vegetation monitoring – threat of succession
We analyse tree and shrub distribution in non-forest vegetation patches, which enables us to detect succession processes and to precisely assess the degree of threat for each patch individually. Our analyses, conducted also on archival data, can be used, e.g., for monitoring the effects of active protection.
Input data: Hyperspectral data, Laser scanning, Field reference measurements
Vegetation monitoring – expansive and invasive species
We perform analyses of the distribution fo trees and shrubs in non-forest vegetation patches. Our analyses of expansive and invasive species may concern all or individual patches, and allow for identification of processes of expansion/invasion as well as precise threat assessment for each patch individually. Such product is suitable for monitoring the effects of undesired species control.
Input data: Hyperspectral data, Laser scanning, Field reference measurements
Map of invasive and expansive plant species
We offer a mapping of the distribution of invasive and expansive plant species from either the current or – for some species – historical perspective. The information obtained is useful for effective monitoring and planning of treatments to combat undesired species, not only in protected areas but also in broadly understood public space.
Input data: Hyperspectral data, Laser scanning, Orthophoto, Field reference measurements
Tree and shrub inventory
We offer dentification of particular tree crowns and shrubs including their current or past status, as well as change dynamics over time. Laser scanning data brings precise information not only about object distribution but also about the height and the crown size for effective object categorisation.
Input data: Laser scanning, Hyperspectral data
Forest boundary
Our analyses allow delineation of forest boundaries or of the open areas, presenting both the current and historical extent as well as change dynamics over time. Laser scanning data allows precise and automatic separation of areas covered with trees meeting the assumed criteria from other objects and vegetation.
Input data: Laser scanning, Hyperspectral data

Tree stand taxonomic features
We offer large-area or local inventory of tree stand taxonomic features. Aerial data gives us information on height (individual trees, average stand height, top height), crown closure and density, and any gaps or nests. Additionally, thanks to statistical modelling and machine learning we determine species structure, breast height diameter, volume, and biomass amount.
Input data: Laser scanning, Hyperspectral data, Dendrometric measurements
Hydrographic network
To identify the current hydrographic network we use photointerpretation methods and automatic methods based on elevation data. Delineation of historical river routes and change detection are possible thanks to use of archival data. The final product is a spatial database with river system geometry and attributes related to its characteristics, such as connectivity and flow direction.
Input data: Orthophoto, Laser scanning
Physico-chemical parameters of water
Analyses of flowing or stagnant water bodies result in maps showing spatial distribution of values of selected physical and chemical parameters in sub-surface water layers. Each pixel of the map has assigned information on the value of the identified parameter. Chlorophyll-a concentrations, transparency, total nitrogen and total phosphorus content are only some of the parameters we can analyse.
Input data: Hyperspectral data, Ground reference measurements
Peatland desiccation
By detecting water deficits in plant tissues, we are able to identify desiccated peatland. Such information is assigned to each pixel of the analysed image, making the assessment of peatland condition highly precise and detailed.
Input data: Thermal imagery, Ground reference measurements
Overgrowing of water bodies
Using current and archival data we determine the range of reed and other aquatic plants found in water bodies. This allows identification of the current and historical shoreline or the surface area of a water body, and assessment of the rate of overgrowing. The analyses may refer, for example to changes of floating mat range in dystrophic reservoirs, changes in water levels, overgrowing of water bodies and navigable waterways.
Input data: DTM, Orthophoto
Remote sensing data provides spatial information about floodplains. Analyses against archival data allow reconstruction of historical floodplain area and change detection. Resulting vector layers, with polygonal or linear geometry, show us the range of floodplains and can be the basis for flood risk assessment.
Input data: Orthophoto, Laser scanning
We provide comprehensive information on the geomorphology of a given area in the form of: maps of the main geomorphological forms, morphometric maps, hypsometric curves or analysis of the relief dynamics with respect to the origin and the scope of changes. Such products may aid monitoring of natural geomorphological processes and the effects of human activity.
Input data: DTM, Orthophoto
Land cover
We make comprehensive land cover maps. Their scope, detail and number of classes are always adjusted to the needs of the customer. Thanks to the archival aerial and satellite imagery we also are enabled to perform change detection concerning land structure or area, facilitating effective land management.
Input data: Orthophoto, DTM, Satellite imagery
Built-up area inventory
Location and distribution of buildings (and their types) is also subject to inventory. It may concern both the current and historical status. Apart from that, we analyse change dynamics in build-up areas in a given time period.
Input data: Orthophoto, DTM, DSM
Applications and solutions
We also provide our clients with original web applications for spatial data publication and analysis, where no extra plug-ins are required.
Local Tree Map
Our comprehensive inventory of urban greenery is powered bythe modern remote sensing technology. The information we provide refers to all trees growing both in public and private areas. Advanced methods of spatial analyses inform us on the location and height of particular trees, crown size, as well as on taxa and health of individual species. The final product is delivered in a GIS environment.
Comprehensive inventory of natural resources
Armed with a multisensor platform, we conduct comprehensive natural resources inventory and assessment. For the purpose of protected area management, our interdisciplinary team of specialists prepares a variety of analytic products with second-to-none level of detail and accuracy.
The scope of analyses is always adapted to individual needs. The results are delivered in a GIS environment.
Heat Loss Maps
The Heat Loss Map is a dedicated solution combining aerial survey with thermal cameras to deliver analyses and maps connected with heat loss detection in city’s districs heating networks. They allow for monitoring of the condition of heating networks and detecting places prone to failure due to overheated faulty elements.
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Solar Potential Maps
Insolation of rooftops strongly depends on the shape of Earth’s surface, as well as on trees and buildings in the immediate surroundings. Elevation, slope, exposure of terrain, and shadows thrown by various objects have a crucial impact on the achievable average power of solar radiation per unit of area.
Making use of theelevation data and 3D models, we create a solar potential maps for buildings, which can be displayed in any GIS system or overlaid on the orthophoto.
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Corridor mapping
For 10 years we have been delivering specialist services related to airborne surveys along low-, medium-, and high-voltage power lines. The imagery, thermal and ALS data we collect is later processed in a specially designed application that generates reports on the condition of every single span.
OBLIVIEW® is our latest software as a service platform that integrates several kinds of data such as orthophotos, oblique imagery, point clouds and 3D mesh models in one place, allowing at the same time comparison between the current and archival geospatial information, of all types.
OBLIVIEW® has consequently replaced our previous three, separate web services:, and
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'Obliques' app for ArcGIS
We have developed an original plug-in for ArcGIS to synchronously display oblique imagery and oblique photo plans from four directions (north, south, east, west); perform simple measurements like height, length, area; read XYZ coordinates or change image radiometry.
'Obliques' app for QGIS
We have also come up with a plug-in for an open source GIS software – QGIS, which apart from displaying oblique imagery gives its users the opportunity to zoom in/out, change view properties, perform measurements like height, distance, area and read XYZ coordinates.